With a one-time subscription order, you decide on the quantity and frequency of delivery and you will receive your favourite coffee conveniently by subscription to the desired delivery address. The subscription ends automatically after the last delivery.
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Your Benefits

Roasted by hand

Our team around Ivo roasts your coffee on a CO2 saving Loring roaster.

Carefully selected

We have tasted hundreds of coffees and selected for you only the best from the current harvest.

Fair Trade

You get high quality Arabica specialty coffees – and farmer prices well above world market levels.

Fast shipping

We deliver fast and climate neutral with DHL Go Green. Free shipping from 30€.

Coffee Creatives

Whether it's our Cold Brew X coffee liqueur or Frozen Coffee, we love coffee innovation.

Competence and Advice

We advise you on which type of coffee, machine, grinder and which preparer suits you best.

Always freshly roasted
Automatic and fresh coffee deliveries for you or as a gift.
Simply select the desired variety and quantity and off you go.
With a one-time subscription order, you decide on the quantity and frequency of delivery and you will receive your favourite coffee conveniently by subscription to the desired delivery address. The subscription ends automatically after the last delivery.
Service & Beratung
Gerne beraten wir Dich auch telefonisch rund um unsere Kaffees, Schulungen und Produkte.
Für ein Beratungsgespräch vor Ort bitten wir Dich, einen Termin mit uns zu vereinbaren.
+49 30 4050 1650
Telefonzeiten Montag - Freitag (10:00 - 18-00 Uhr)
Service & Support
We're happy to advise you by phone about our coffees, trainings and products.
For an on-site consultation, we ask you to make an appointment with us.
+49 30 4050 1650
Phone Hours Monday - Friday (10:00 am - 6:00 pm)

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