Drip Bags
Our new Drip Bags bring the best filter coffee wherever you go – perfect for travel, your office or any adventure. Light, compact, and practical, they fit into any bag. Filled with 12g of aromatic filter coffee, they deliver full flavor without the need for a grinder, scale, or extra equipment. Just tear, pour, and enjoy!
5 reasons why you will love our drip bags
Enjoy specialty coffee anywhere – it's possible with our new filter coffee Drip Bags. In this blog post, we explain the key reasons why these practical companions are perfect for everyday life.
Coffee Tools
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      +49 30 4050 1650
      Telefonzeiten Montag - Freitag (10:00 - 18-00 Uhr)
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      We're happy to advise you by phone about our coffees, trainings and products.
      For an on-site consultation, we ask you to make an appointment with us.
      +49 30 4050 1650
      Phone Hours Monday - Friday (10:00 am - 6:00 pm)

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