Sinfonia Espresso
» Coffee capsules «
Our Sinfonia Espresso in compostable coffee capsules for your Nespresso system.
6,99 €
Sinfonia Lungo
» Coffee capsules «
Our Sinfonia coffee as Lungo in compostable capsules for your Nespresso system.
6,99 €
Novum Ristretto
» Coffee capsules «
Fruity and chocolaty at the same time. Try Novum as Ristretto or Espresso for your Nespresso system.
8,99 €
Capsule Set
» Coffee capsules «
Our small compostable capsule set with 30 pcs for your Nespresso system.
19,50 €
Capsule set large
» Coffee capsules «
The large set of our best espresso varieties with 25 capsules each for your Nespresso system.
44,90 €
Decaf capsules
» Coffee capsules «
Swiss Water decaffeinated espresso in compostable capsules for your Nespresso system.
8,99 €
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