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From Barista Battle to sensory skills – here are our events for Berlin Coffee Week

During Berlin Coffee Week, Berlin gets a full dose of caffeine -– and even more than that. The city's best baristas will be showing off their skills and you can sample some of the best coffees in the world. We are offering a total of five exciting events, including a coffee battle.
Coffee lovers have been waiting a long time for it, now it's finally back: Berlin Coffee Week. Its motto: coffee is more than just a caffeine kick, it's a way of life. And it's being put into practice: whether it's cupping challenges, brewing with Berlin's best baristas or a sensory course – there's something for everyone with numerous interesting events throughout Berlin on the subject of third wave coffee. We have also thought about something and have a lot to offer at Berlin Coffee Week (30 September to 6 October 2024). Find out exactly what it's all about in the overview:

Grind & Glory — Barista Battle

What's better than coffee? That's right, coffee competitions! In the Grind & Glory Filter Coffee Competition, eight competitors will grind on the Mahlkönig EK Omnia and then brew an unknown coffee to win a brand new Mahlkönig X54 grinder worth 500 euros. Here's how it works: All participants will receive the same mystery coffee (roasted by Cafe Imports Europe) and work on the same grinder (Mahlkönig Omnia). Whoever convinces the jury wins. There will also be plenty of coffee fun for the spectators of the battle: Delicious coffee drinks designed by our baristas and Coffee in Good Spirits Champion Vlad Demonenko, plus cupping sessions in cooperation with Cafe Imports.
04 October, 16-19:30 h

Sensory course with June Simon

Blackberry, apple, honeydew melon or even wine – coffee can taste so different. It has been proven to contain almost twice as many aroma components as wine. From the mouthfeel to the aftertaste – German coffee tasting runner-up and coffee professional June Simon explains how to train your palate and better describe the taste of coffee in a course that is being held here for the first time in this form. At the end of the workshop, you can win a frozen coffee box from us in a small cuptasting competition.
05. Oktober, 11-14 h

Frozen Coffee Brew Bar

They have been slumbering in our refrigerated archive for a long time, but now we are unpacking them for you: our frozen coffees. Over the years, we have frozen the best coffees from our range in portions at the optimum ripening time to provide you with long-term enjoyment. Would you like to try our legendary Koke (release: 2020)? Or would you like to enjoy our El Paraiso MF 360 (release: 2023) once again? Then be sure to register for this event. And by the way: On this day there will be our Frozen Coffee Box with Coffee Week discount.
02. Oktober, 11-16 h

Popup with Kolo Coffee

The war has hit the Ukrainian coffee business hard – a young, up-and-coming coffee professional called Vlad Demonenko (some of you already know him) is standing up to it and presenting exclusive coffees from all over the world. And you get to taste them. We're teaming up with Kolo Coffee, an up-and-coming roastery from Ukraine, to bring you their best specialty coffees.

Register now for one of the limited places and secure your timeslot for the event. Every visitor has the opportunity to taste a curated coffee set. With the tasting set you can try three rare and exotic coffees.
Kolo Coffee is a specialty roastery founded by a community of Ukrainian baristas and coffee lovers to unite around delicious coffee.

This time, Vladyslav Demonenko – Vice World Champion in Coffee in Good Spirits (2022), Brewers Cup Champion (2023) and founder of Kolo Coffee – will personally come to Röststätte to serve you exceptional coffees. Register online and receive a goody bag from Kolo Coffee at the event. Come along, enjoy and discover what makes their coffee so special.
03. Oktober, 11-16 h

Victoria Arduino: Open Showroom

It's pure magic when the freshly ground coffee comes out of the espresso machine into your favorite cup. Some of the best espresso machines in the world come together in Ackerstraße in Berlin Mitte. You can experience them live in our showroom and watch our trained baristas pull espresso shots. The highlight: the brand new E1 Prima Pro from Victoria Arduino. Want to find out what this machine can do? Then just drop by.
02. Oktober, 10-16 h
We look forward to seeing you all at the Röststätte!
written by

Christopher Braemer

Christopher is a trained journalist and works in marketing at Röststätte Berlin. For the blog, he writes about coffee from all over the world, but also about business, politics and sustainability. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us a message.

Photos: Röststätte, Laura Droße
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