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Peaberry – the sweet round coffee bean

In our new format “Coffee Knowledge TO GO” we want to introduce you to the technical terms from the coffee scene! Today's term is “peaberry” coffee – what exactly is it? And does the so-called “pearl bean” taste different from a normal bean?
You probably know the situation – you walk into a coffee shop and the baristas throw around words that nobody understands, except probably themselves. So that you don't have to stand in the corner looking stupid on your next visit and can join in the conversation, we want to give you a brief and concise introduction to the technical terms from the specialty coffee scene.

“Peaberry” – What exactly is that?

Normally, there are two coffee beans inside a coffee cherry, which lie close together. One side of the bean is flat and the other is bulbous and round. The peaberry is slightly different, as there is only one bean in the coffee cherry at a time. This is usually much rounder, somewhat smaller and the taste differs significantly from that of a conventional bean.

How does Peaberry coffee taste?

The taste of a peaberry is usually juicier and more intense than that of the regular coffee beans that share a coffee cherry. It is also assumed that the peaberry tastes juicier and fruitier.
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