La Esperanza Farm, Planadas, Tolima
Edward Giraldo's farm is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level in the Colombian Andes in the Tolima region in the heart of Colombia. The coffee farmer cultivates his specialty coffees on a 9-hectare farm. He produces organic coffee without the use of agrochemicals. The story behind this coffee begins back in 2003, when a certain Jorge Rojas (responsible for fermenting the coffee) was only 13 years old when he decided to dedicate his life to coffee. More about the story below.
Variety & Processing
100% Arabica
Pink Bourbon
36 hours cherry anaerobic, 36 hours mucilage anaerobic
Pink Bourbon is a rare Arabica variety that requires a lot of care and is characterized by pink coffee cherries. The coffee is fermented anaerobically in tanks in two stages. First for 36 hours in the coffee cherry, followed by a further 36 hours in the mucilage. The coffee is then placed on African beds to dry for 14 hours.
Espresso Recipe
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La Esperanza
Our first coffee from Finca La Esperanza in Colombia is here. This microlot is real teamwork: Coffee farmer Edward Giraldo lovingly took care of the cultivation of the coffee cherries (rare Pink Bourbon variety) – Jorge Rojas did the rest. This Pink Bourbon Lot was processed in a two-stage anaerobic fermentation. The first step is "in cherry" for 36 hours, and the second step is "in mucilage". This is real processing magic that is noticeable in the cup. Roasted as an espresso, you can expect notes of pomegranate, cocoa and sage.

The story behind this coffee begins back in 2003, when a certain Jorge Rojas (pictured right) was just 13 years old when he decided to dedicate his life to coffee. He worked on his neighbor Edward's farm (left) in the small town of Planadas in the Colombian Andes to pay his bills and buy food. He then took care of his own farm, which was only 1 hectare in size at the time. Jorge immersed himself deeper and deeper into the world of specialty coffee, and Edward always supported him. Today, Jorge is a master of fermentation, he takes care of the processing of twelve fincas and has two of his own.
  • Fine microlot from Edward Giraldo’s La Esperanza Farm in the fruity centre of Colombia
  • Processing: 36 hours cherry anaerobic and 36 hours in mucilage anaerobic
  • Choose between 250g, 500g or 1kg – ground or whole bean
  • Flavor profile: pomegranate, cocoa and sage
  • 100% Arabica coffee, freshly and gently roasted by hand in Berlin-Mitte
  • Climate-neutral delivery with DHL Go Green
  • For collection on site (Mon. – Fri.):
  • Order before 12:00, collection possible from 14:00
  • after 12:00, collection the following day
Sustainable cultivation and quality awareness
As with wine, the origin, cultivation and careful harvesting of coffee form the basis for a specialty coffee. We only use ripe and hand-picked 100% Arabica coffee beans for our coffees, as the laborious harvesting by hand is an essential quality criterion. Our highland coffees are natural products and are grown in shady forest gardens in an environmentally friendly way. This preserves the biodiversity of the growing region. The coffee cherries can ripen slowly at cool altitudes with nutritious and fertile soil conditions. Under these optimal climatic conditions near the equator, the coffee plants have more time to develop their characteristic and fruity aromas.  
Freshly roasted by hand
All Röststätte coffees are gently roasted by hand in Berlin so that the natural aromas can fully develop without any unwanted acidity. To achieve a pronounced body and a versatile taste profile in the cup, we want to emphasize and optimally process the special features of the respective variety, farm and origin of the coffee with our roasting. The aim is therefore to exploit the full potential of the green coffee through our roasting method in order to emphasize the valuable work of the producers in the countries where the coffee is grown. These are our quality principles – from source to the final cup.

Espresso Recipe

Calibrated by Head Barista Valeriia Kutuzova
Standard espresso machine temperature setting: 93.5 ° C
Requirement: 18g portafilter (basket), double portafilter spout


Dose in 19g
Extraction time in seconds 26
Dose out 37g

Freezing Date

22-33 Days after Roast Date

Taste Balance

Sweetness (low to high) Medium High
Acidity (low to high) Medium
Bitterness (low to high) Low
Texture  juicy, silky
Weight (low to high) Medium
Finish (short to long lasting) Short


Pomegranate, Cocoa, Sage


Normal milk & Oat milk 110g 

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